Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Seeing isn't believing

Can you believe. Can you believe? Can you believe it!
Everything your mind has had, your body has concieved it.
Theres a cash coupon waiting in your mail box, all you must do is recieve it.
And need it. Believe in it. Believe in it. Do you believe? Do you believe without seeing it. Dream a bit. Love a lot. Fill in the spaces and fix that splotch. My lifes full like my belly. Therefore my belt goes past a knotch. All you've thrown is exactly what you've caught. You knew you could afford it, so thats what you bought.
Dare to dream, dare to believe. Dare to think and dare to see. Further on is greater then our expectations.
Further past our minds' regulations. Beyond any frustration lies the minds demonstration. That the life you live is our creation.
-Jessi Paige

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