Tuesday, November 22, 2011

scratch that

I just happened to be swaggin a lil more then your girlfriend
Scratch that,
I just happened to swag more then any girl man.
didn't mean for it to happen,
I didn't even take any action
For this to begin.
I ran laps round friends
Set trends, 
On accident.
Never pretended
When all was said and done.
Once again
I just be happened to be swaggin a lil more then your girlfriend
Scratch that,
I just happened to be swaggin then any girl man.
I get back to this later,
Descend where I left off.

Monday, November 21, 2011


i said im not ready 2 live fast die slow n steady
every min dat goes by like hella fast in a bentley
 Lord help me I cant find peace&Im regretin.
takin dis path.look where it led me
Pull myself out dis trench even if da weight of my past is 2 heavy
 Lookin 2 da sky 4 dat heaven-ly angel lookin cloud lookn down on me.
Tryin our hardest 2 b worth sumthin
Watch wat da next day will bring.
Ima wake up in da morning &Im gon sing
 Yesterdays pain was just a bee sting.

monkey see monkey do

wats not to love about life
the common cold, strife
silly mofos wit a knife
cant even describe
the feeling i get
when a needle scribes
words and pictures
onto my skin
like a typist
showing secrets of the soul
like a light switch
dark matter passes
the fire burns to ashes
no longer
will i allow you
to create the clashes
of tears and pain
youll always be the same
no words no names
nothing to be ashamed
in this world
we are the only ones to blame

what falls under

Big blunder
Loud as thunder
No more fun
Her past shoots fast like
She wonders
How can she finish the task
At hand
Its always been
That branded
Into your mind
Where else
Making you blind
Searching but
The answer you dodge
Living in a fog
Laying dead
Like a log
Soon you'll be one with the earth
Since birth
You waited
For this curse
To expel from your dreams
Forever feel something
That means more
Then emotions and sing
Loud into space
Like if you knew exactly
Where is your place
Which city and state
All the people
With whom you can relate
Better sit up straight
This is not planet of the apes
It's something much more great
But no one knows how to appreciate
So our days are numbered
Like dates

who really cares about a title

All I got is this brain and my body. Not too long ago I watched a spirit fly outta me. Shit had me spooked undoubtedly. I kept moving like, I just wanna be free. Not realizing I wake up like a whale in the sea. You see im swimming thru life like I gotta be. Keep away from the shrimps and cowards that need to follow others for the key. You won't find your answer in my biography. Please, watch your TV screen. They'll tell you what to like, what's the scene. If that dont work Google the internet. If you haven't get it yet, try your local university. Perhaps they got what your searching for in the library. But whatever you do, dont count on me to deliver the word in need of ever human being.

Friday, November 18, 2011

who wants

who wants to steal my music
u can steal my music
just dont tell me that you used it
curses will make it useless
no one can abuse
this pen and paper
like you fools
all about me
but still u can use it
fuck it go ahead and be
if you aint got no skills
fuck it ill shoot this

 u Wannabees
so sickening

make me wanna scream
join a team
of the kings on thrones

the brains of these soul scavengers
find them at your local tavern
getting wasted
looking for a lesson to learn
to drunk enough to earn
any brain cells
all they do is burn
oxygen in the world

give us real folks a turn

im going berserk
for what the its worth
stuck with the WASTE of this earth

nov 9

you dont want to write no!
you dont want to write
is it because your afraid of what
it is your capable of tonight
did you see an answer in sight
or did you do as your might
did you keep your screws tight?
did you burn a fire to gain light
oh write
you dont wanna write
so afraid of what
it might
be like


plaques on my walls
ive got plaques on my walls
my names in malls
i didnt want my name in malls
i stood tall
yes i stood tall
against it all
i went against it all
i walked after i crawled
that was a long stall
finally i made my call
i got the call
it came in the fall
along with the leaves
color changing and
festive halls

badda bing frickin boom

badda bing
badda boom
soon as i step in the room
my face is on everyones zoom
its like i came out a mummies tomb
or bloody outs my mommys womb
i believe its my aura
to others theyll assume
truthfully theyll never have a clue
as to who
i am or why
i refuse to scam
those and myself
are thy lamb
so can you stand to qualify as a woman


i can trust,
that not matter who comes into my life
itll never touch my mind or soul
no never take a tole
on who i am as a whole
so if you happen to be evil
if you happen to be negative
i wont hesitate a or beg a bit
i will send u away unconciously
so i can be let free
of all the chains youre attaching
all barriors
i will be smashing
no longer will i let
outsiders have a
oppurtunity to be attacking
nor snacking
i will undo the latching

nov 18th

who woulda thought
some of these woman in the world
could be bought
who woulda thought
some of these woman
in the world
wouldnt have the strength
to have never faught select battles in their life
forced to be a mother and wife
forced to deal with the strife
of a cheating husband
living in a neverland
watching the sand of time
move faster
as she dreams to rewind
she use to dream of a future
of a family to nuture
now all she has hurts her

no title sept 25th,011...4:02 pm

you dont need rythym to hear my rhyme
no, you only need time and a mind
see for a second we couldve been blind
but we were saved in the knick of time
im so pleased to say that
it makes me cry
knowing others will feel why
its not hard to hear it
you believe in your prime
somehow someway in a matter of time
i love the way God makes me smile
they try to get me down
but im happy all the meanwhile

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I dont agree with hate but i do it

i didnt mean to
dislike you
or the way you look
not even the style of grammer
you use
i didnt mean to hammer
into your everyday
in fact
it wasnt your action
but what you say
you pretend to look like you may
have some sort of intelligence

super irresponsible

With my heart
Ever since the start
I never realized how to part
emotions from reality
distance into negligance
what the fuck are people thinking
do they realize what theyre representing
forever rejecting
any sort of substance in their lives
cut ties
to all love and
who needs friends to make them happy
when you got all u need
where you want to find it
in your mind
and in time
will grow into
like they said so
living isnt living
unless youve gained your halo

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

best friend

she was so dreamy
caught the eye of every human being
timing was everything
how dare you step
into a life uneasy
best friends
or no friends
either way
she was there to fight untill the end
theres no way she could pretend
for much longer
everyday that passed
emotion grew stronger
she no longer
wanted to stay home
and ponder
to spread her ideas
and conquer
the minds of others
beyond her
constantly in creation mode

shit on our love

Poo on you
Poo all over your face
How dare you
Turn your back and  disgrace
I know our days have been misplaced
Yet still the past you won't let be erased
I can still taste the bitter sweetness
Of every greet
I miss
Laying next to your heart beating
I'd spend the rest of my days repeating
That feeling
You give me
Blood rushes thru my body
I feel the
Earth move from under
She cant help but wonder
If your capable of loving her
So fond of you
And your presence too
I hope you can appreciate those who
Fight for your full attention
Ever morning I want to mention
That you relieve all my tension
It melts away
I could use every word in the  dictionary
To say
Let me in
Let me in your heart
Can you be apart of our dual
I've got emotions
Although u rarely see me show em
Fuck it I might as well blow them all away
Cuz you're not here to stay
U wanna love a lil and go astray
I'd wake up everyday
With a smile on my face
U make me so smiley
I wish he'd walks miles
Till he
Found exactly where he left me
In a pile of regret
Until I said all this yes
U need to know
I dont care how much u fight it yo
I just wanna say fuck it and walk away
He will come back to me one day
I dont have to hope or pray
God told me itd be this way

Seeing isn't believing

Can you believe. Can you believe? Can you believe it!
Everything your mind has had, your body has concieved it.
Theres a cash coupon waiting in your mail box, all you must do is recieve it.
And need it. Believe in it. Believe in it. Do you believe? Do you believe without seeing it. Dream a bit. Love a lot. Fill in the spaces and fix that splotch. My lifes full like my belly. Therefore my belt goes past a knotch. All you've thrown is exactly what you've caught. You knew you could afford it, so thats what you bought.
Dare to dream, dare to believe. Dare to think and dare to see. Further on is greater then our expectations.
Further past our minds' regulations. Beyond any frustration lies the minds demonstration. That the life you live is our creation.
-Jessi Paige

Me Tarzan You Jane

Smiley Smiley Smiley
Miles he miles he miles he
Walked thru the rain foreset
In search of Jane
He met many along his way
But none were there to stay
For he looked forward to that day
In fact each morning he'd wake up
and unconciously pray
That he'd see her under the shade
Of the tree they fell in love
Monkeys dangeling up above
Nothing to them was untouchable
Together they were inseperable
Their hearts were finally palpable
No telling how much time was existable
For they had seen to the end of the world and back
They had seen all the love the rest of the world lacked
Somehow he had found himself smack
In the middle of a tree stump
Rings in the middle
Everyday they hadn't pretended
Every word they said they meant it
Every action was sentimental
They had loved to their fullest potential